Wherever you mention audio described performances make sure you use the AD logo.
The logo recommended by the RNIB and the most widely used is:
The recommended logo is a quick, visual way to highlight the service and the more you use it alongside your definitions then the more people, both sighted and visually impaired, will become familiar with what it represents.
You may also see:
Here are some of the other logos you will want to use in communicating your services to blind and partially people.
The above logo refers to the fact that a TOUCH TOUR is available and should be followed by the time.
This means that there are services available for people with a visual impairment. The services available could be anything from large print information to staff trained in guiding.
This is the standard and more familiar ‘guide dogs allowed’ logo but an alternative is the one below as it covers all assistance dogs, e.g. hearing dogs for deaf people and mobility assistance dogs.